Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Investing systematically

In those days even in our villages most of the women used to keep aside a certain amount of money every month or frequent intervals  in their rice boxes or hide it somewhere, where no one can reach.

They used to save so much, that when there is an emergency they used that money. Without expecting from their husbands.

My grand-mother did it. Another distant relative of ours saved almost 17 laks rupees and they found it out after she died.

They did not have any access to bank so they just kept it in their lockers at home.

But money will not multipy if you store in the cupboard. Of course you need to have some emergency cash at home. 

If you want good returns from your money then you have to invest.

A systematic investment plan will help you save and invest your money and also give good returns in the long run.

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